Monday, November 15, 2010

A Question of Bridges

Tom Vander Ark, one of Strive's Board of Directors, was asked to provide an expert response to an article in the National Journal on Thursday. Vander Ark eloquently explains the need for programs like Strive and describes why Strive's approach is so effective.


Tom Vander Ark
Partner, Revolution Learning

Strive for College matches mentors with bubble kids and helps them make positive high school choices and the best possible post secondary choice. I'm a director and believe kids need more support than most get. Here's advice from Executive Director Michael Carter.

The college application process, like navigating the job search process for the first time, is not rocket science. However, both are often confusing, counterintuitive and very time-consuming. Most importantly, both are subjective - there is no such thing as the best college, despite what the US News and World Report would like you to believe. When a high schooler asks the question "What is the best job?", the response is always another question: "Well, what do you want to do?". Traditional education is not designed to support dialog; individualized instruction has been impossible due to the prohibitive cost. Technology makes individualized education possible and it can be less expensive than traditional education. Outcomes are better b...

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